
Thought Leader Perspectives: Continuous Innovation

Are there new rules for how to approach corporate strategy? In an interesting and at times provocative piece, Helen Rosen of Global Access and Sigvard Bore of Pactera Technology, a consulting subsidiary of The Blackstone Group, make the case in “Think AND Do…The Need for Continuous Strategy”, which can be downloaded here: Continuous Strategy.

The authors note that the new rules of the game put a premium on staying nimble and acting with speed at all levels of an organization, being able to spot change before it happens and then optimizing the levers of execution to profit from disruption. Organizations that are able to do this well have adopted a new model for planning called Continuous Strategy: they learn by doing, adjusting the strategy as demanded by risks and opportunities as they emerge at every level of the organization, innovating as they go, hoping to fail fast and win big.


Thomson Reuters Interview with Michael Macaluso


Michael Macaluso has seen success as the rare lawyer able to bridge the gap between the U.S. and Europe. With markets in flux and regulations fluid, capital flows to and from private equity and venture capital act as a bellwether for the evolving global economy. Macaluso sat down with Currents to discuss the evolving environment in Europe and U.S.
Click here to view the full interview.